Structural Heart Disease Australia ​Inc. ​(SHDA) is a​n​ ​educational site focused on valvular and structural cardiac diseases. The website was started by a multidisciplinary group of echocardiographers, anaesthetists, clinical and interventional cardiologists, and cardiothoracic surgeons​ whom have incorporated an association​ to provide a useful learning resource for ​medical professionals. We organise and host a number of multidisciplinary symposiums throughout the year where experts in the field discuss issues from the diagnosis through to treatment and follow-up.


Prof Greg Scalia

Prof Greg Scalia

SHDA President, Cardiologist, Cardiac Imaging Specialist

Dr Peter Hansen

Dr Peter Hansen

SHDA Vice President, Interventional Cardiologist

A/Prof Sharon Kay

A/Prof Sharon Kay

SHDA Public Officer, Echocardiography, Cardiac Scientist

Prof David Celermajer

Prof David Celermajer

SHDA Committee Member, Cardiologist

Dr Joanne Irons

SHDA Committee Member, Anaesthetist