On Tuesday 13th September Abbott Vascular supported a Mitral Valve Masterclass Meeting at Prince Charles Hospital. 10 customers attend from across Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) and included a mix of both procedural and imaging personnel who are involved in or have expressed interest in setting up a MitraClip program at their respective centres.

Prof Darren Walters and Prof Greg Scalia hosted the day and provided a comprehensive and educational overview of areas related to patient screening for mitral regurgitation (MR) and both procedural imaging and operator techniques for MitraClip which is a device used to treat MR in high risk surgical patients.

Attendees were also able to view two live MitraClip cases in a collegial, open environment which resulted in a high impact learning experience for each of the meeting attendees, which I am sure will assist in the advancement of this important Therapy across ANZ.

Michael Koronis